
My law business has closed and I am no longer accepting new clients.

It started with the best of intentions, love and hopes for the future, but sometimes those intentions, hopes and love stop being enough.  It wasn’t an easy decision to get married, and it’s certainly not an easy decision to end that marriage.  No matter who decided that the marriage should end, it’s a gut wrenching time for everyone involved.

Marriage is a legal status, and although we pay less attention to the legal meaning of marriage when we’re at the altar and families are gathered around, it is still there –overshadowed by the promises and expectations of joy coming into our new life.  When we end a marriage, the promises of joy are no longer able to mask the legal aspects of marriage and those legal aspects take on a much greater significance.  You should seek help in these times because the law is rarely simple, and it’s too easy to not know of your rights and the possibilities available to you unless you get professional assistance.

We’ve all heard horror stories that result from someone overcome by the drain of emotions when their marriage is ending who just want to be done with it as quickly as possible, only to realize in later years when they can reflect on it dispassionately that they could have done more to protect their interests.

Don’t be that person.  Contact a lawyer to help you.  When property is divided, make sure that it is done equitably.  Your spouse deserves his or her share, and so do you.  Your lawyer will help you identify all the property of the marriage and help you ensure it is not squandered and is properly divided as the law allows.